Leah's 30th Birthday

Today is Leah's birthday. She is thirty years old. It is unbelievable to me that she could be that age. It really seems that I should be only 30. I was a young mother :) .
The day she was born was a long one. I had been told my chances of having her naturally was almost zero. I think Dr. Smith knew this but wanted to give me an opportunity to try. They started trying to induce my labor at 8:00 a.m. in the morning and I took pitocin all day without one labor pain. They gave me an enema and made me use a bedpan when the bathroom was less than six feet away. Anyway, by 7:00 that night, they decided that a c-section was necessary and away to the operating room I went! Of course, Jerry didn't get to go with me. The year was 1979 and dads didn't do c-sections!
They strapped me to a surgical bed with one of my arms extended straight out. I had to lay on my right arm for some strange reason. Maybe they thought I would want to help with the surgery if my arms weren't tied down!
When it was almost time for the surgery to begin, they gave me a shot to make me happy. When Dr. Smith was ready to begin, he turned to the anesthesiologist and said: "is she ready"? The anesthesiologist said "she is ready". I was in happy land but I could hear it all and couldn't make a sound or move. I had an oxygen mask on my face and of course, my arms were tied. I was laying there thinking, "I am not going to be asleep for this surgery".
Dr. Smith raised the scalpel to cut me, the anesthesiologist shouted "no, she is not asleep! I thought you meant is she ready to go to sleep, not cut". He then looked at me and said, "you are going to sleep now, count backwards from 10". Out I went. When I woke up, I had a baby girl who looked like two baby girls because of the pain medication! I am a cheap drunk.
Leah had fuzzy brown hair and big blue eyes. Boy, could she cry! She and her daddy bonded quickly and he became her caregiver while I was in lala land from the pain medication. He was so wonderful with her and knew just what to do to make her happy.
Leah was born on Thursday and by Sunday, the three day rule for surgery set in and I was miserable from all the air they pumped in me in the operating room. Needless to say, the Sunday afternoon company came in droves. My roommate and her family (about 20 of them) had a watermelon feast in our room and I thought I would blow up!
We took her home on Tuesday and laid her in her own bed to sleep. It was amazing and scary all at the same time.
Today, Leah is a wife, mom, daughter, sister and aunt. She is a writer and soon to be a teacher. Her little family is precious and she takes good care of them along with her husband, Nick.
Happy Birthday, sweet girl! I am so proud of you and I love you very much. May God's blessings rain down on you!
The day she was born was a long one. I had been told my chances of having her naturally was almost zero. I think Dr. Smith knew this but wanted to give me an opportunity to try. They started trying to induce my labor at 8:00 a.m. in the morning and I took pitocin all day without one labor pain. They gave me an enema and made me use a bedpan when the bathroom was less than six feet away. Anyway, by 7:00 that night, they decided that a c-section was necessary and away to the operating room I went! Of course, Jerry didn't get to go with me. The year was 1979 and dads didn't do c-sections!
They strapped me to a surgical bed with one of my arms extended straight out. I had to lay on my right arm for some strange reason. Maybe they thought I would want to help with the surgery if my arms weren't tied down!
When it was almost time for the surgery to begin, they gave me a shot to make me happy. When Dr. Smith was ready to begin, he turned to the anesthesiologist and said: "is she ready"? The anesthesiologist said "she is ready". I was in happy land but I could hear it all and couldn't make a sound or move. I had an oxygen mask on my face and of course, my arms were tied. I was laying there thinking, "I am not going to be asleep for this surgery".
Dr. Smith raised the scalpel to cut me, the anesthesiologist shouted "no, she is not asleep! I thought you meant is she ready to go to sleep, not cut". He then looked at me and said, "you are going to sleep now, count backwards from 10". Out I went. When I woke up, I had a baby girl who looked like two baby girls because of the pain medication! I am a cheap drunk.
Leah had fuzzy brown hair and big blue eyes. Boy, could she cry! She and her daddy bonded quickly and he became her caregiver while I was in lala land from the pain medication. He was so wonderful with her and knew just what to do to make her happy.
Leah was born on Thursday and by Sunday, the three day rule for surgery set in and I was miserable from all the air they pumped in me in the operating room. Needless to say, the Sunday afternoon company came in droves. My roommate and her family (about 20 of them) had a watermelon feast in our room and I thought I would blow up!
We took her home on Tuesday and laid her in her own bed to sleep. It was amazing and scary all at the same time.
Today, Leah is a wife, mom, daughter, sister and aunt. She is a writer and soon to be a teacher. Her little family is precious and she takes good care of them along with her husband, Nick.
Happy Birthday, sweet girl! I am so proud of you and I love you very much. May God's blessings rain down on you!
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