Thursday, April 29, 2010

Second Class Down

I am going to college. Bethel University is a very old school dating back to the 1800's. They diversified a few years ago and now they have satellite schools all over Tennessee. The one I am attending meets at the Holiday Inn Express in Murfreesboro. We meet one night a week for 4 hours. Each class takes five weeks. When the time is done, you have three credit hours. Simple.

I just finished my second class, Issues in Management. We had a character for a teacher. Dr. Kraus is the father of Jennifer Kraus, who is the anchor on the weekend for WTVF in Nashville. He is well traveled, very educated, funny and a great teacher.

We didn't open the book once and that wasn't a bad thing. He teaches an interactive class with everyone taking the issue he is communicating and adds comments from their own experiences. We learn so much more from life lessons than any book could offer.

As a cohort, we bonded during this class. Dr. Kraus took us all out to dinner, his treat, so that we could share our class in a very casual atmosphere. Personally, I think all of our future teachers should follow his lead.

Six hours down, thirty-six more to go. One week at a time, one class at a time. If you need to finish a degree, call me. I'll get you connected with Bethel.


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